Anthony Edwards posted a video on social media where he rolls down his video and made the following remarks on a bunch of shirtless men standing.

“Look at these queer a** ni**as, man,”

“What I said was immature, hurtful, and disrespectful, and I’m incredibly sorry,..It’s unacceptable for me or anyone to use that language in such a hurtful way, there’s no excuse for it, at all. I was raised better than that!”


(1/9/22)  The college football national championship game is upon us and It’s time to give you our pick on who will win.  We have stuffed our suitcase with cash and is heading down to the wager window. We have thought about wheeling all the cash in a wheelbarrow but we figure its probably not safe and might get rob.  We suggest you don’t do that also.  Use that wheelbarrow for yardwork is probably best.  Let’s get down to business of making you money.

First off, this line of Georgia-2.5 is way off.  How can Georgia be a 2.5 point favorite when the last time they meet Alabama beat them 41-24.  Stop with the it’s hard to beat a team twice in a season.  It is going to be the same Alabama team Georgia will be facing.  What kind of adjustment can Georgia really make to offset a 17 point loss last time into a 2.5 point favorite this time?  Both teams are solid but it all comes down to the head coach and QB.  Give me Nick Saban and Bryce Young over Kirby Smart and Stetson Bennett.  Saban has been in plenty of huge games over the years and every team in the country wants to beat Alabama and 90% has failed to put a “L” on Alabama’s ledger. 

Georgia is a cute story this year and have beaten 1 good team this year which is Michigan. Stetson Bennett is not a QB that scares you.  He is a game manager and is just along for the ride.  You can plug most college QB into Georgia and they would still end up with the same record.  Their defense is pretty much carrying the team.  If this game is close and you need Bennett to win you the game you can forget it.  The only chance Georgia has is if they unleash “UGA” their mascot bulldog and let him blitz and chase down Bryce Young.  That is probably not going to happen because bulldogs are slow and lazy and he is probably going to call it a day and just nap on the sideline when Alabama is up big on Georgia in the 3rd quarter.  

THE PICK:  Take Alabama +2.5.  Pass Go and collect your money!



This one is on us at Playbook.  Alabama was in position to put the game away and with the injury to Jameson Williams in the 2nd quarter, their other WRs did not step up. We don’t make excuses here so we promise to do better next time.  We had to cancel reservations at the steak house and had to settle for drive through at McDonalds and their value meals.  We will come back strong next time.  Medium rare please…

Jack Morris (Tigers announcer) 8/20/21

during a broadcast when ask how should the Tigers pitch to Shohei Ohtani

Jack Morris in a fake asian accent: “Be very very careful”



“Well, folks, Shohei Ohtani is coming to the plate, and it’s been brought to my attention, and I sincerely apologize if I offended anybody – especially anybody in the Asian community – for what I said about pitching and being careful to Shohei Ohtani,” he said. “I did not intend for any offensive thing, and I apologize if I did.

“I certainly respect and have the utmost respect for this guy. And I don’t blame a pitcher for walking him.”

Devin Funchess 8/8/21

during an interview…

“I like to smile. I can tell you’re smiling, I can see your face [through the mask],” he said to reporters before making the gesture. “I can see the face, everybody goes c****y, and that’s how I know.”



“I want to apologize for the disparaging remark I used tonight. It was not OK,” he wrote. “I have grown to develop deep personal and business relationships in the Asian community! I meant no harm, and those that know me know I have love and respect for all cultures and people. I will learn from this and continue to grow as a person. I’m forever sorry!”


said on TV..

“when you talk about an audience gravitating to the tube or to the ballpark, to actually watch you, I don’t think it helps that the number one face is a dude that needs an interpreter, so you can understand what the hell he’s saying in this country,”


“doesn’t speak English, that needs an interpreter, believe it or not, I think contributes to harming the game to some degree” 



“My apology is to the Asian and Asian American community. Let me be very clear, I don’t owe an apology to anyone else,”

“As I’m watching things unfold, let me say that I never intended to offend ANY COMMUNITY, particularly the Asian community ― and especially SHOHEI Ohtani, himself.


tweets out..

“Gotta stop letting gooks in Miami”



“I used a term that from where I come from has always meant “lame”but I did not realize it has a much darker, negative connotation. I have learned a valuable lesson and want to apologize to anyone that was offended by seeing that word because we need to focus on helping each other”

“I would never offend any group of people .You reporters can look for another story to blow up . The term was directed towards a producer claiming he “ran Miami “With that being said I’ll retire that word from my vocabulary giving the hard times our Asian family are enduring”


while playing video game…

“F***ing cowards, don’t f***ing snipe me, you f***ing kike bitch.”



“While I didn’t know what the word meant at the time, my ignorance about its history and how offensive it is to the Jewish community is absolutely not an excuse and I was just wrong. I am now more aware of its meaning and I am committed to properly seeking out people who can help educate me about this type of hate and how we can fight it. I acknowledge and own my mistake and there’s no running from something like this that is so hurtful to someone else. This is not a proper representation of who I am and I want to apologize to the Arisons, my teammates, coaches, front office, and everyone associated with the Miami Heat organization, to my family, to our loyal fans, and to others in the Jewish community who I have hurt I promise to do better and know that my future actions will be more powerful than my use of this word.”


posted a quoted attributed to Hitler…

 “Because the white Jews knows that the Negroes are the real Children of Israel and to keep Americas secret the Jews will blackmail America. They will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were. The white citizens of America will be terrified to know that all this time they’ve been mistreating and discriminating and lynching the Children of Israel.”


“I want to apologize to the Jewish community, Jeffrey Lurie, Howie Roseman, Doug Pederson, the Eagles organization and our fans for the insensitive and ill-informed posts that I shared on my social media. My intention was to uplift, unite and encourage our culture with positivity and light. Unfortunately, that did not happen. I unintentionally hurt the Jewish community in the process and for that I am sorry! Now, more than ever, we must work together to end discrimination of all types and against all people and communities.

“This apology is more than just words – it is a promise to do better. I will fully educate myself and work with local and national organizations to be more informed and make a difference in our community. I will consider my words and actions moving forward. I will seek out voices from other communities and listen to their words, thoughts and beliefs. In a time of division, I am committed to doing my part in making this world a better place for our children.”