(9/17/24) These QBs have been through thousands and thousands of plays in their career going dating back to high school, college and in the NFL.   Not to mention the hours spent dissecting game tapes with coaches.  Yet these guys are still confused by defenses on game day.  So what gives??  What seems to be the problem?  The answer is obvisous and we need to face the ugly truth.  More than half of the QBs in the NFL are just plain dumb.  They are pretending that they are making adjustment at the line pre-snap but when the snap happens and players start running around, all they see is mass confusion.  They have no clue what to do.  They simply cannot process information in real time and as a result takes off running.  The league and people on TV calls these QBs “special”.  In reality, these guys can’t read the defense and would rather run.  Yea, its cute to see Lamar Jackson pick up 15 yards running but when it comes down to needing a completion towards the end of the game these guys can’t throw.  We all see Lamar Jackson missed 2 wide open receivers in the closing seconds of the Chiefs game.

Teams need to adjust to how they draft QBs.  The number one thing that teams need to look for is someone with a brain and not someone who can throw the ball 80 yards on his knees or runs a fast time at the combine.  Teams need to grill a player over and over again and make sure this guy is smart and can read a defense.  They would be better serve to bring in a school teacher to evaluate if this guy is indeed smart.  What about scouting you say?  Scouting looks at mostly physical abilities and this is where the problem lies.  Throw college game highlights into the trash can.  The talent discrepancies between college teams are gigantic.  Who cares if you are a lineman from Alabama dominating some scrawny kid from the college of culinary arts.  JaMarcus Russell was suppose to be this great QB but ends up being a laughing stock because he was lazy and dumb as a rock.  

The Carolina Panthers is a recent example of teams that are clueless when it comes to drafting a QB when they took Bryce Young as the #1 overall pick.  Young was short and severely undersized to start off with so what did the Panthers really see in this guy?  Maybe playing for Alabama was enough for the Panthers to draft him.  After 1 season and 1 game into his second year, the Panthers is benching him.  Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover and if you ever watch any of the post game interview involving Bryce Young you can tell he ain’t smarter than a 5 year old.  He comes across as somewhat clueless.  He would use the word “um” constantly throughout the interview and constantly mention God and that God has plans for him.  We took a moment to follow up with God…


PP: Hey God, Bryce Young sucks, why don’t you make him a better QB?

God: Yea, I am a bit busy right now with problems around the world and I’ll get back to him when I get a chance.  What did you say his name was again?

PP: He kept mentioning you in his interview..His name is Bryce Young and after 1 season and 1 game into this season, he is geting bench by the Panthers. You need to help him immediatly!  

God:  I see…well. he is going to wait and he is the least of my concern at the moment.  

People keep saying the future of the NFL is bright with all these up and coming young QBS and its so far from the truth.  Remember Justin Fields, Kenny Pickett, Trey lance and countless others who were suppose to be their respective teams’ QB for the next 10 years?  


(9/10/24) Hundreds of people get pulled over for speeding across America and most people just get their ticket and go on with their lives.  It’s a simple process but for some people stupidity gets in the way and it becomes an issue.  Before we go any further we would like to educate people on how to proceed when getting pulled over for speeding.  This is especially useful information for all the pro atheletes who the media like to call “special”  but in realty most are dumb and have no clue how to navigate life and often takes the path of making a ton of money, spending a ton of money and ends up broke a few years after leaving the game.  We hope atheletes can take the time to study the below scenario or maybe role play in the film room so we don’t end up with another Tyreek Hill incident.  The whole situation just “reeks” of stupidity.     


You are driving 100 mph on a 50 mph zone…and you hear police sirens and next thing you know you are being pulled over.

You (hands on steering wheel and windows rolled down):  Hello, good day officer.  How can I help you?

Police:  License and registration please.  Did you know you were doing 100 mph and the speed limit was 50?

You: Yes I am aware and is very sorry.  Can I reached into my glove box to get my registration?

Police: Sure go ahead.  

(**You then hand over your license and registration**)

Police: sit tight.  I’ll be right back..

(**Police then goes back to his cruiser and check your info and 5 minutes later…**)

Police: Here is your speeding ticket and you can appeal in court if you wish. Have a great day!

(**Police cruiser then drives away**)

You then turn the radio back on to your favorite tune and continue on with your life.  You speed and got caught and the worst thing that happens now is you are out a couple of hundred dollars and your car insurance goes up.  You followed instructions and was not confrontational and because of that NOTHING WAS ESCALATED.  

Tyreek Hill with a $30 million dollar contract and a 5 cent brain does everything the opposite when he got pulled over for speeding in his McLaren.  Let’s see what he did wrong.  First, speeding with a McLaren is just plain dumb around game time because people are still trying to get to the game.  There is going to be heavy traffic and If he hits another car, chances are it will end up being a multi car accident and alot of people will get hurt.  Second, when stopped because Hill’s car had tinted windows..they police had to knock on his windows to tell him to lower it.  Hill didn’t appreciate the officer knocking on his window.  Was the officer suppose to just stand there and wait until Hill decides to lower the window whenever he chooses???  After rolling down his window, Hill decides to roll his tinted window back up and the officer told him to don’t roll it back up.  Hill is his own man and the police is not the boss of him and he let them know.  This is a big deal because if you allow people to rolled their tinted window back up and if you pulled over a bad person..they can reach for a gun so from an officers’ point of view.. it is very dangerous.  They want a clear view of everyone in the car and their actions.  The police then have to tell drag him out of the car and tell him to sit but Hill kept saying he had surgery on his knee and can’t sit.  So Hill can’t sit but its not a problem for him to plant his leg, change directions and run routes at high speed during the game???  The whole situation could have been avoided if he would just have cooperated and follow directions but instead chose to be a loud mouth.  Could this be why the Chiefs didn’t care for him??    

What makes it worst in this situation is that you have people on TV who doesn’t have the guts to say Hill started all this.  They want to circle their wagons and claim that Hill is the latest victim of Police harrasment.  The Miami Dolphins doubled down and released a stupid statement trying to back up Hill and that they stand behind him.  Behind closed doors you know the Dolphins organization is saying all Hill had to do  was follow directions and this would not have turned into a media circus.  

3 ON 3

(8/4/24) The Olympic is where the best in the world meets and do battle with each other for gold.  Only the best are sent from each countries.  These guys has been training for years and often at a young age so that they can make their country proud. 

The 3×3 USA Men’s Basketball team on the other hand is a clown show with a 2-5 record and was eliminated from the medal round.   So who are these 4 jokers assembled by the US?  They are Canyon Barry Kareem Maddox, Dylan Travis and Jimmer Fredette. Besides Jimmer Fredette who made a little noise in college…pretty much no one has heard of Canyon Barry, Kareem Maddox nor Dylan Travis.  We had to google what these guys looked like and after still had no clue who they are.  This is an absolute disgrace.  One has to question how was the 3×3 team formed?  Was there a tryout or did the US Olympic committee just contact random tall people who can dribble a basketball and ask if they want to represent the US 3×3 team?  There is no way these 4 guys are the best the US was able to assembled because their skills level are comparable to mens in their 40s playing pickup ball at the local YMCA on a Thursday night.   Watching these guys played on TV is like a joke and on their last game…they were outscored by the Netherlands 16-2 to end the game.  Outscored 16-2??? WTF???!!   I guess the good news was that the US team fought with all their might and pride to avoid being shutout 16-0.  Watching it on TV, it looks like these guys just quit.  They looked overmatched and everyone in the stands was left wondering whether they were watching a comedy show or Olympic basketball.  Chants of “USA! USA! ” was not going to do anything for these guys because they simply sucks and every game was just painful to watch.  Shots and layups were missed as if they were playing scared.  They looked like they had no confidence and was just happy to be there.  They weren’t there on a mission to win gold.  They were on a free vacation to see Paris.  Hope we don’t see these 4 clowns in 2028 unless they are competing in the juggling competition.  


(7/17/24) People often say if you don’t have anything nice to say then you should say nothing.  You should also try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Things that are earned are often more satisying in life and things should not be given.  If we all follow these golden rules the world would be a better place and we can all gather around a campfire and sing songs and hold hands.  Back to reality.  The NBA Summer League is underway and a young man by the name of Bronny James is ready to ascend the ranks of the NBA and show everyone that he is the heir apparent to the throne.   After a few games, its time to face the truth about one Bronny James. 

How can we put this nicely without being sent to the dungeon and be excuted the following morning by his dad King James…   Bronny James is a dumpster fire and absolutely garbage.  This kid does not belong on an NBA court period unless he is the one pushing the mop and wiping up the sweat from players on the court.   In 4 Summer League games, he is shooting 7-31 from the field and 0-15 from 3s.  This is atrocious and totally unacceptable because these guys in the summer league are just running and gunning and not really playing defense.  Speaking of gunning…Bronny did end up winning the Call of Duty tournament among summer league players BUT…..who cares!!!  I think we are seeing a pattern with the James family….they tend to win things that nobody really cares about.   Lebron won the in season tournament and now Bronny wins the Call of Duty tournament.  The question is how is Bronny this bad??  Maybe he was not meant to play in the NBA and had dreams of being a professional gamer but was force by Lebron to follow in his footsteps.  Maybe Bronny should follow the path of Michael Jordan’s son Marcus and be a socialite and bring Larsa Pippen back home for dinner and tell Lebron they are in love.    

Remember this tweet from his dad:

LeBron James tweeted, “Man Bronny definitely better than some of these cats I’ve been watching on league pass today. S–t lightweight hilarious,”

Wow!! Lebron definitely feels stupid right now.  How did Lebron come to the conclusion that Bronny is better than these “cats”?? Was Lebron talking about house cats the kind that just eat and sleep all day?  Sure, cats can’t dribble a basketball or shoot a basketball so if Bronny were to play one on one vs a house cat, he can probably put up 80 points and put the cat to shame.  

JJ Reddick, the snake oil salesman and mouthpiece for Lebron is doubling down on his stupidity and thinks Bronny will eventually compare to Lu Dort of OKC.  


Lu Dort: Keep my name out of your F$@! mouth!!

People will still tune in to see the train wreck that is Bronny James because JJ Reddick is telling us that Bronny “earned” everything and deserves to be in the league.   


(7/3/24) As a kid, who doesn’t love going to a 3 ring circus.  You have clowns, tight rope walkers, animals, acrobats and other colorful characters trying to entertain you while you are stuffing your face with cotton candy and downing sodas.  Those were the good old days and as time goes by circuses around the country decided to fold up tent and people were left to find other form of entertainment such as staring at their iphone 23 hours a day.  However, within the last few weeks perhaps the circus is making a comeback and Los Angeles is ground zero.  The Lakers is bringing the 3 ring circus back for the world to enjoy.  The ring master of this circus is one Lebron James.  It all started with the following headline..



Question: What does JJ Riddick, my next door neighbor, someone’s dog, the cashier at the ice cream store all have in common??  

Answer: They all have absolutely zero experience coaching in the NBA.

So how did JJ Riddick get the job?  It was simple. The man decided to abandon his morals, integrity and was willing to sell his soul just to be a head coach.  This relationship between Riddick and Lebron is comparable to how Sean “Diddy” Combs took Justin Bieber under his wings.  Its kinda creepy that Riddick at 40 years old is willing to be groomed by Lebron James.  You might as well take out a lighter and light Riddick’s man card on fire because he no longer identify as a male.  We all know Riddick is just a coach on paper and Lebron is the real coach of the team.  Riddick is told by Lebron to just move his lips and pretend to draw up plays while Lebron would actually calls the play.  Hand signals by Lebron would tell Riddick who to substitute in and out of a game.  It could also be the first time in NBA history that a coach is willingly and happy to massaging a player after every game.  This is not going to end well for Riddick in a few years.  



Question: How does someone that sucks in college get drafted into the NBA?   

Answer: Nepotism and because its not the Lakers that drafted him…its Lebron.  

Lebron drafting Bronny pretty much is setting him up for failure.  There is a large number of players in the league that can’t wait to embarass this kid.  Lebron is going to have a front row seat when Anthony Edwards dunks on him.  The camera is going to pan to Lebron’s face and maybe it will finally hit Lebron that maybe he shouldn’t be in the NBA.  Bronny Jame’s time in the NBA is going to be a nightmare but don’t worry..Lebron just like any other snake oil saleman will tell us that his other son Bryce James is going to be special.  

The Lakers are going to be a trainwreck next year.  Don’t be fooled into thinking this team is going to win anything.  People will still tune in to see the laughing stock that is Bronny James and you will constantly see Lebron defending his kid on and off the court because players will be looking to target Bronny.    


(5/31/24) The NBA Finals is set for a Celtics vs. Mavericks showdown.  These guys on TV are already tripping over themselves telling you how great the combo of Luka and Kyrie is and that the Celtics is going to have a problem stopping them.  Let’s cut through the BS and give you the scouting report on this series.  This won’t be much of a series.  


Kyrie Irving will not be effective

Kyrie is under-sized and that is important.  Jrue Holiday and Derek White will effectively guard him.  Holiday and White are top defenders that will make Irving work for his shot.  On the defensive side,  Tatum, Brown, Holiday and White will back Irving down and make him play defense.  Irving will be tired and if you are tired you will be less effective offensively.

Lively and Gafford

The only offensive moves from these two guys are dunks and lob dunks.  Outside of that they are pretty much useless offensively.  They can play a little defense but the Mavericks better pray that Porzingis is not effective.  Porzingis and Hortford just have to stand in the paint and these two won’t be able to do anything besides the occasional lob dunk.  On the offensive side, Porzingis is a 3 point threat and will pull these two guys out to the 3 point line leaving Tatum and Brown space to drive to the basket.  

Celtics deeper team

The Mavericks is not going to play BOTH Doncic and Irving together for all 48 minutes.  The Mavericks offense will be struggling against Boston’s defense when one of them is on the bench.  The starting 5 of the Celtics can shoot the 3 and are dynamic offensively compare to the Mavericks. The other starting Mavericks players Daniel Gafford, Derrick Jones and PJ Washington are all mediocre players at best and scares nobody.    

Doncic already have a backup plan GUARANTEED!

Every time Doncic falls on the ground on a foul…he is guaranteed to start grimacing and limping afterwards regardless if he is really hurt.  Doncic is great pretender and has a second career as a actor in Hollywood.  If Doncic is ineffective, people will point to him being hurt and the pressure is lifted off him.  If the Mavericks are losing big time, Doncic is ready to take a dive and pretend he is really hurt so people would not say he choked.


For those who are dumb and really thinks the Mavericks has a chance you should put your life savings on them at +185.  The public is always suckered into the latest trend.  A few weeks ago…Minnesota beats the Nuggets…Everyone thinks Anthony Edwards is the next Jordan and that Minnesota is a dangerous team.  They were picked to go to the Finals…now on 5/31/24?? They lost to the Mavericks 4 games to 1.  So now the Mavericks are the hot team and Doncic and Irving are unstoppable.  Talking heads are saying the Celtics got lucky with all the injuries on the other team. The Celtics were the best team in the NBA from start to finish and were the betting favorites preseason to win the title.  Vegas and professional bettors expect the Celtics to be in this position and here they are.   

Tatum and Brown won’t let it happen

Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown can taste this title after Denver lost.  They will surpass the Lakers and  raise banner 18 to the rafters at the TD Garden.  Bill Walton will be proud.


(5/17/24) Hope to mankind has been restored today with the arrest of Scottie Sheffler in handcuffs.  Before his famous and rich buddies come out and tell the world how great of a person he is and how he would never hurt an ant.  Here is what “ALLEGEDLY” happened…

There was an accident where a worker was killed by a shuttle bus at approximately 6AM Friday 5/17/24 near the Valhalla Golf Club where the PGA Championship was held.  Police and emergency vehicle was on the scene and traffic was building.  Long story short…things happened and it was reported Scheffler refused to comply and proceeded to drag an officer 15-20 yards and then when he finally stopped…Sheffler was put in handcuffs and placed into a police cruiser and faces various assault charges.

Here are a few items 

Sheffler claims he didn’t know it was the police

Hmmm…there was an accident…it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the police will be present.  Maybe he thought all the flashing lights and sirens was because there was a rave happening at 6am right in the middle of the street.  No dumb criminal will attempt to car jack you when the place is swarming with police.  This excuse by Sheffler is a big failed on his part. 

Officer asking who did we arrest?

This is a win for the regular folks.  For once, the rich and famous did not get preferential treatment for breaking the law.  This is a probably a disappointment for Sheffler.  He figured in his mind…”Hey, I am the #1 golfer in the world..EVERYONE should know me!!”.  He figured the police would be awestruck that they are in the presence of a #1 golfer and was going to just ask for his autograph and send him on his way.  The truth is not everyone cares about golf or knows who he is.  

Sheffler asking Jeff Darlington is there anything he can do?

The rich and entitled are constantly solving problems by throwing money at it.  Unfortunately this time, fame and money can’t buy you a get out of jail free card.  Maybe Darlington could go up to the police and slip them a $20 and says if they released Sheffler they can all pose for a photo together and as an added bonus Sheffler might be kind enough to sign a few golf balls.  

Time to golf!

Wow!!  The Golf gods would want him to get back on the green.  What is a couple of assault charges? His attorney is already on the phone trying to make things disappear. Sheffler said he wants to put this incident to the side and play golf today…its not like something serious happened and someone died! Going back to playing golf shows that this guy doesn’t give a damn what happened. 

If all these charges are true, he needs to go to jail just like the rest of us.  We all know if you play golf you dream of one day wearing a green jacket.  But orange does look good on him.   


(5/8/24) Two weeks ago was when it started.  Dumb fans attending games and chanting things for the sake of chanting.  Fans who were at the game because their friend has a court date and couldn’t make it and others simply did not want to cancel their daily appointment at the tanning salon.  Let’s worry about skin cancer when the time comes.  For now looking bronze and half baked is priority one.  Welcome to Miami..Cue Will Smith song before he start slapping you… 

Miami fans chanting after beating the Bulls in the play in game: “We want Boston! We want Boston!”

Miami players got pumped and became extra motivated.  They point to the fact that they have Bam Adebayo and Tyler Herro who was going to give the Celtics problems. Herro was going to be a sniper from the 3 point line while Adebayo was going to dominate inside the paint with no Porzingis for the Celtics.  They got the better coach in Eric Spolstra who can turn water into sunscreen to protect the citizens of Miami.  They also got Jimmy Butler who talks the talk from the bench and a great motivator in the locker room.  Jennifer Lopez is holding Ben Affleck hostage in Miami and whether Affleck ever sets foot in Boston again will depend on whether the Celtics do the right thing and throw the series.   

Result:  Boston beats Miami 4 games to 1..Sorry Ben, your just one guy and you did Batman a disservice.  On the bright side…if not for Adebayo and Herro, the Heat would have lost by 60 instead of 34 points in the close out game.

You figure fans around the country would have learned from Miami’s mistake but oh no…It was game 7 between the Cavs and Magic and in the closing minutes of the game….it happened….

Cleveland fans chanting…”WE WANT BOSTON! WE WANT BOSTON!”

We see Donovan Mitchell trying to calm the fans down because he is a smart guy.  Mitchell is probably thinking “these bunch of idiots just set us up for annihilation by Boston”

Game 1 result…Boston 120 Cavs 95..only a 25 point loss.

There have to be some penalty for these chants because it makes the fans of these cities look stupid and clueless.  The Celtics have been destroying teams during the season and Heat fans and Cleveland fans clearly think they have a chance.   Here are some season stats for how dominant the Celtics were during the regular season.

Thirty-nine of the Celtics’ wins have come by double digits, including 18 by at least 20 points, nine by 30-plus and three by 50 or more. They are the only team in NBA history to have three 50-point wins in one season, and are tied for the second-most 30-point victories in one season. 

The Celtics are the odds on favorite to win it all and things may have gotten easier now that the Nuggets are down 0-2 to Minnesota.  It is looking like either Minnesota or OKC is going to come out of the West and right on cue…these so called “great and smart fans” will be once again chanting…”We want Boston!!, We want Boston!!”


(4/28/24) There are moments in life you will always remember…such as where were you when your first child was born (hopefully you were next to your wife) or where were you when the Patriots came back from down 28-3 sealing the deal on the dumbest play call in the history of the NFL.  These moments in sports often help define players and turn them into legends.  Years from now, we will be asking ourselves where were you on April 23,2024 when Lebron showed us how great he was getting the last laugh on the Joker.  

Move over Jordan crossing over Bryon Russell for the winning jumper against Utah..The Great Lebron has given us a new ” MOMENT” in NBA history.  This shot from Lebron will be replayed millions of times in the future and will have all the sports talking heads on TV claiming this moment is what will separate Lebron from Jordan as the GOAT.  They will point out how Lebron exudes a perfect shooting form with his beautiful follow through.  Both teams converge for a rebound but Lebron does not move an inch because he knows his shot is pure and only euphoria will follow when the ball goes through the hoop.  Denvers fans will be traumatized by this moment while the fake people of LA will celebrate through the night with their fake friendships, drugs and alcohols filled parties.  Thank you Lebron for allowing us to cherish this moment with you and to bask with you in all your greatness.  

Please hold……We have received word that the shot did not go in.  Repeat, the shot did not go in!! 

Moments later…

We apologized but Lebron missed horribly on the 3 pointer.  It was wide left.  Lebron has once again choked when it comes to hitting a game winner.  Everything we said about this moment you can just trashed it from your memory.  Denver currently leads the series 3-1.  One more game and the Lakers will be eliminated and Lebron will have plenty of time to go convince every GM in the league to draft Bronny.  


(4/12/24) This years 2024 NBA draft is going to one of the worse ever. The #1 overall projected pick is some dude by the name of Alexandre Sarr from France?? Most Americans have heard of the Skar King but probably have no clue who this guy is.  Like most Americans I do have an affinity for French cuisine and if this guy were to knock on my door to borrow some ketchup for French Fries I would still have no idea who he is.  The 2nd overall pick is some dude by the name of Zaccharie Risacher.  Again, absolutely no clue who this guy is but I do like Worcestershire sauce on my steak.  These 2 picks pretty much sums up how bad this draft is.. when out of all the division 1 schools in the country…you need to go overseas to find a #1? Absolutely pathetic.  

Adding more fuel to this dumpster fire of a draft, we now have Bronny James declaring for the draft.  He is bringing his lack of talent to some NBA teams with his 4.8 points per game average in college while riding the bench at USC.  Don’t forget about his great 67.6% free throw percentage.  The defense better not leave him open for a 3 because he is shooting a lethal 26.7% from the arc. With the news that Bronny has declared for the draft…the following people are also throwing their names into the draft and it is expected that close to 10,000 people will be working out for teams at the draft.  Here are just a few of the hopefuls.

Bob,35:(Physics teacher with an IQ of 140) Strength: High Basketball IQ

Jerry,50:(ophthalmologist at the mall)Strength:Great court vision

John,26:(construction worker) Strength: Hard worker

Ray,22: (finished 1st in his fantasy basketball league): Strength:Loves the game

Sal,39 (participated in alot of trust falls) Strenght: Great team player

Pauly Parlay,50 (have never won a 15 team parlay but never gives up) Strength: Great mental toughness

So if Bronny can get drafted, so can you!!!

In all seriousness, Bronny is going to get drafted because of Nepotism at play.  If his dad was not Lebron and he declared for the draft..he might as well put on some colorful wig and sport a sponge red nose because he will be called a clown.  Secretly, you think Bronny really wants to be in the NBA knowing that he is going to be a target? There are going to be tons of players ready to posterize Bronny and run him over.  Bronny is going to get embarassed and it will be Lebron’s fault for putting his kid in that position.  All this baloney about Lebron wanting Bronny to be his own man is a big joke.  Lebron controls 100% of Bronny.  

We have gotten news that another person has thrown his name into the draft..

Tom,37 (High school referee and illegal bookmaker), wants to be a referee in the NBA so he can fix games.


(1/29/24) Twas the night before the big day….I ironed my favorite white collar shirt and dress pants and layed them perfectly on my sofa.  I then called up a rich buddy of mine and ask to borrow his rolex and his fancy car for a few hours.  I wanted to make a great impression that I was somewhere going somewhere.  I then went online and looked up the 10 most common questions an interviewer would ask and look up all the suppose right answers to those questions.  I practiced answering those questions for the next hour.  I was prepared like never and was going to ace this interview and was already thinking how I would spend my new paycheck from my new company.  I was working in the financial industry and this was going to be a big step up the corporate ladder.  I was ready to be a “Yes Man”.

Fast forward to the Interview…

I met with a few supposedly important people in the company and sat in that room for over an hour.  Every question that was thrown at me…I aced with flying colors.    It was a done deal.  This job was mine.  After a few handshakes and flashing my beautiful smile I headed out the door.  As I walked past the waiting area, there was this gorgeous girl in a short skirt sitting there.  I knew she was next to be interviewed and at that point I knew I was toast and dead meat.  Two days later I received a phone call from human resource and said they decided to go with another candidate because she was more qualified.  It was the last time I interviewed for another financial job as I left the industry.  The lesson to be learned is…eye candy will always prevail…

This brings us to the what do Bill Belichick and I have in common?  We both were very qualified for a job but end up didn’t get it because we were not eye candy.  The Atlanta Falcons interviewed Belichick for its open position and decided to hired Raheem Morris instead.  For Atlanta, shouldn’t this be a no brainer?  Belichick’s resume of 6 Superbowl rings apparently was not good enough.  Why bring him in for an interview at all?  Rumor has it that it came down to one question that decided the two candidates.   


Atlanta Falcons: so Bill, what can you tell us about Atlanta and the hundreds of strip clubs in the area…We are the strip club capital of America if you didn’t know.  

Belichick: uummmm… I just want to focus on football.  Next question..



Atlanta Falcons: so Raheem, what can you tell us about Atlanta and the hundreds of strip clubs in the area…We are the strip club capital of America if you didn’t know.

Morris: Well, I think they are great and absolutely love them.  Its a great place to watch people.  I would also encouraged the players to go often to take their mind off football and keep them fresh.  Them going and making it rain definitely will help Atlanta’s economic development.  


The Falcons owners are as dumb as you can get but the players are happy.  Maybe the Falcons didn’t want Belichick to be a daily reminder of 28-3.  Belichick was going to be strict and when Falcon’s ownership went to the players for their opinion…the players of course didn’t want Belichick. Belichick hiring means no more time at the strip clubs.  Raheem Morris you know is going to try to relate to these players and what better way to build team chemistry then having coaches and players bond at strip clubs.  Coaches are also not worried about a bad loss because a good lap dance will put a smile back on the players’ faces.