Baseball use to have a problem with streakers running across the field. Cameras would show them and it lead to many copy cats who wanted to be on the late night news. MLB make a great move by no longer showing streakers on their broadcast. The result is that streaking no longer gets you the attention that you want and streaking at MLB ballparks rarely happens anymore. We need to apply this to rioting. Stop showing the rioting and burning buildings. Rioters want attention and the media is fueling the attention. The truth is the media loves showing towns and cities burning to the ground because of the almighty ratings. There are just too many agendas out there to sort out. The only way to curve riots is to give it less attention. The media has to accept a fair share of the blame for the riots getting out of control. If you watch the news tonight, pay attention to the words used by these live on scene reporters. They are told by management to paint as bad of a picture as they can. For example, a reporter said its unbelievable that it took 3 police officer to take a protester down and he said the police was using “excessive force” a few times. The reporter also wonders why it require 3 officers to take an individual down. The reporter has no idea what is really going on. Maybe the individual was pulling out a weapon. Maybe he threatened the officer. Maybe he was ready to burn down a building. These live reporters are pretty much Jerry Springer wanna be.