Get your bathing suit ready cause on May 18th the Mayor of Arkansas is going to open up swimming pools and wants people to go swimming. I don’t think opening public swimming pools across Arkansas is a good idea. Droplets are how the virus is spread so if someone sneezes in the water do they have to shut down the whole pool? Is the chlorine in the pool going to kill the virus? What about social distancing and wearing masks? I am no Albert Einstein but it would be difficult to wear a mask while swimming. Telling kids to not touch their face at the pool is an impossible task. Who would really want to be the lifeguard at these pools? Are they going to hesitate to do CPR if needed? The Mayor should spend 15 minutes in a public pool to show us that its safe. I want to see if the Mayor will let his own kids go to a public pool. If the answer is no then public pools should not be open. It sounds great to open things back up but do these mayors really believe its a good idea? Show us how confident they are really by being out there with us regular folks. It is easy to lock themselves in their mansions and tell us to go outside.