Is the new propose stimulus plan a good idea? $2000 per adult per month for most Americans would go a long way in helping the country’s economy and would solve a lot of families’ financial difficulties. The government has a printer that can print as much money as they want so why does it matter? Do most Americans really cares about the deficit? I have not lost one second of sleep worrying about the US deficit EVER. $2000 a month on top of your salary or unemployment will make most families be financially stable in a heartbeat. Most families will feel “rich” so to speak. The money will go back into the economy and it will heal slowly. It’s human nature to spend when you have money. The only people that will complain about this are people that make a lot of money and won’t be a part of this stimulus plan. They feel they work hard for their money and its not fair that people are just given this “free money”. This is understandable but they have to look at the big picture and put aside their petty mindset. The US is great because a big part of our economy is small business. If this infrastructure falls apart, next time when you want want sushi your choices will be between 2 restaurants instead of 15.