Am I missing something here? The White House is reversing its plan and is now saying the Coronavirus Task Force will not be shutting down. Why are they even thinking about shutting down the Task Force in the first place? The virus is still circulating all over the United States. We are not out of trouble by any stretch. Is the government trying to save money by cutting back on payroll?? I don’t really know what the Task Force does behind the scenes but until there is a vaccine it should stay open indefinitely. My prediction is that a lot of states will be overwhelm once we start to reopen the economy. We will end up going back into lock down and this time for longer periods. The Task Force is needed to guide states and provide assistance. This ain’t Star Wars. We are not Jedi’s with the force to protect us, we are just regular human beings that will get sick from this virus and could potentially die. We need the Task Force even if they don’t really do much. At least we know they are there.