The government decided to confirm that there are indeed UFOs sightings on earth. They are releasing a few videos to the public. This is great for all the people that claimed they saw “things” in the sky and were labeled as a bunch of cuckoo birds. This also may confirm that indeed some of us were kidnap by “them” and perhaps their stories were true. I am now convinced also that Area 51 does contain bodies of alien and a few “aircrafts”. I saw the movie Independence Day and could that really happen one day? Just like the Coronavirus epidemic we need to prepare for this as crazy as it might sound. Does the US government have a contingency plan in place with other nations? Are there underground bases all over the United States? This epidemic is teaching us a lesson to be over prepare if we have to. It may all be science fiction for nerds or maybe we are watching way too many movies. If aliens do attack Earth like in War of the Worlds. Millions of lives will be lost and it will make this Coronavirus epidemic look like child’s play.