I have been following the auction at the All In Challenge. 100% of the money raised will go to Charity. It is mostly celebrity and athletes that you can spend time with if you have the money. For example, you can spend time with Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. You should go to their website if you need more info. This auction is geared toward people that has a lot of disposable income. It is pretty much rich people spending time with rich people. The regular working Americans don’t really have a chance. Some of these athletes that signed up are setting themselves up to look bad. Why? The auctions tells you what the public really thinks about you. Egos are going to be destroyed and embarrassed. Let’s take for example, the 2 greatest QB of all time Tom Brady and Joe Montana. Last check today 4/26/20, if you want to spend time with Brady and a few other activities you would need to come up with at least 775k. Joe Montana will only cost you 41k. For those who are still not convinced who the real GOAT is, you need to be kick out of sports forever. Now on the embarrassing side. Carmelo Anthony is still available if you really want to spend time with this great “legend” (*saying it with a sarcastic tone*). It will only cost you 10k. This is so sad. No buddy really wants to spend time with him!! You also get a chance to go out to dinner with Carmelo but don’t expect him to pass you the salt or pepper shakers. Can are someone please give this man a hug. His ego is littered all over the floor in pieces. The auction is a great idea to raise money and to see if the world really cares about these players. Tom Brady is probably the only genuine person that will really want to talk to you. Most of these athletes will be watching the clock and counting down the seconds until they can get rid of you.