We all know by now to always wash out hands with soap for 20 seconds. We also know to not touch our face and to protect our nose and mouth with a mask. I keep hearing the same advice over and over but are they leaving another important advice out? I came back from the market today, wash my hands, threw away my mask, disinfect my door knob, spray lysol all over my shoe and on my door mat. I then ask myself…how do I wash my face? It may sound silly but I really don’t know how I should wash my face. I don’t think the experts have really told us how to wash our face. If the virus can be on a surface then it would only make sense that the virus can actually be on our face. So how do I actually wash my face? Do I just splash it with water and that’s it? If the virus was on my face wouldn’t the water then push it into my eyes or mouth even if I close them? Do I close my eyes and mouth and then slather my face up with hand soap? Should I then just wash it off with warm water? Should I use hand soap on my face? They need to tell us how to effectively wash our faces. Can I use a hair dryer and set it to hot or warm and just blow my face. Does that kill the virus because of the heat? How do we get the virus off our face should be a big discussion. The elephant is sitting in the corner of the room. He is waiting for us to talk about him or in this case talk about how to clean our face.