For most of us, we will never forget this period in history. There will always be reminders. There are parents out there naming their newborns Covid, Corona and even Lockdown. Do these parents really think its a good idea? Do they think its cute? There will be regrets in the future. I feel sorry for these kids growing up. Take for example naming your daughter Corona. Before all this, when we think of Corona we think of the beer from Mexico. If your daughter’s name is Corona, you better hope she does not turn out to be a raging alcoholic and ends up in Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). For those that are unfamiliar with how these meetings go, as an introduction, everyone pretty much stand up, say their name and say they are an alcoholic. “My name is Corona, I am an alcoholic”. How embarrassing would that be? She better hope that there is another guy there with the first name Bud and last name Weiser so she won’t stand out like a sore thumb. For a boy, naming him Lockdown is not bad if he turned out to be a bad ass with 100 tattoos all over his body and can bench press 1000 pounds 10 times. What if the turns out to be a nerd with a pocket protector that holds his 15 pens and he weighs barely 90 pounds? People is going to check his ID constantly to make sure that LOCKDOWN is really his name. Parents, please reconsider…