The above has 2 headlines that gives us hope. There is 1 headline that we hope is wrong. The middle headline is the one that is based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) analytics that was created by a firm name Clarivate. According to their analytics they are saying it will take at least 5 years for a COVID-19 vaccine. Here is the dilemma for Clarivate. WHAT DO THEY REALLY WANT?? Are they rooting against a vaccine so that it proves that their AI Program is money well spent? Or, are they hoping a vaccine is found soon so we can get back to normalcy? It would be great if we can read the minds of the executives of Clarivate. With more and more news coming out that we are inching closer to a vaccine, I think they are having sleepless nights. My money is on humans beating out a machine. Does anyone know where the off switch is?