
Former Buccaneers WR Mike Williams passed away after a beam fell on his head while on a construction site. A Gofundme has been set up to raise 20k??? This guy made over $40 million dollars during his career. As of this minute it has raised $1985.

Barbie mania…

Barbie is making a billion dollar at the box and is hoping to capitalized on merchandising also. Figure I go get myself a Ken doll but upon visiting Mattel’s website…two things seems off….where’s Ken?? and without getting into big trouble let’s just say initial reaction is…hmmmmmm…..

Man pearls…

Wander Franco displaying his feminine side with a string of pearls made out of gold. It looks pretty on him and hopefully this starts a new trend in MLB. Would love to see a tough guy like Bryce Harper sport one of these man pearls.