Am I missing something here? The White House is reversing its plan and is now saying the Coronavirus Task Force will not be shutting down. Why are they even thinking about shutting down the Task Force in the first place? The virus is still circulating all over the United States. We are not out of …
Continue reading Day 42-Last call already?…
Day 41-Who invited this guy…
His name is David Nabarro. We are all betting against him. Why? He is a professor of global health at a University in London and he is saying there may never be a Covid-19 vaccine. What he is saying is fine but the timing is just a bit off. Perhaps he is looking for attention. …
Continue reading Day 41-Who invited this guy…
Day 40-Time to celebrate…
Cities everywhere are going to start opening up toward mid May. This is due to the pressure of people getting sick of being quarantine and facing financial pressures avalanching on them. There is a problem with rushing to reopen. The government is now projecting that new cases will increase by 200,000 per day by June …
Continue reading Day 40-Time to celebrate…
Day 39-Getting a closer look…
We hear stories all the time of people trying to get a perfect selfie and ends up falling to their death. Today we bring you another edition of “who cares about life if I can get a perfect selfie and get likes on social media”. A 31 year old in Turkey couldn’t wait for a …
Continue reading Day 39-Getting a closer look…
Day 38-Can you please pay attention…
Schools have closed down during the epidemic and parents all over America are becoming part time teachers. Let me tell you this..teaching is a very very hard job and the patience required is through the roof. This is especially true if you have to teach your 6 year old math and reading. I just don’t …
Continue reading Day 38-Can you please pay attention…
Day 37-good news…
One small step for man…One giant leap for dining in without social distancing at your favorite restaurants. Gilead’s Remdesivir may be the drug that is going to be the “game changer” that we are all waiting for. It’s trial in April showed promising results. The trial involved more than 1000 patients. I am not a …
Continue reading Day 37-good news…
Day 36-Who is that unmask man…
You have to lead by example is the old saying. Mike Pence is someone who is the do what I say and not what I do kind of guy. Pence visited the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and decided to pull off an impression. He decided that he was going to be Superman. No virus was …
Continue reading Day 36-Who is that unmask man…
Day 35-Its just a kite…
The government decided to confirm that there are indeed UFOs sightings on earth. They are releasing a few videos to the public. This is great for all the people that claimed they saw “things” in the sky and were labeled as a bunch of cuckoo birds. This also may confirm that indeed some of us …
Continue reading Day 35-Its just a kite…
Day 34-Being ahead…
Talk about being one step ahead. The Oxford Vaccine Group in India started human trials on a potential vaccine the hAdOx1 nCoV-19. 1100 people will be a part of this trial and will completed by September. I am taking out my wallet, pulling out a crumble twenty and putting my money on this vaccine. So …
Continue reading Day 34-Being ahead…
Day 33-I am all in…
I have been following the auction at the All In Challenge. 100% of the money raised will go to Charity. It is mostly celebrity and athletes that you can spend time with if you have the money. For example, you can spend time with Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. You should go to their website …
Continue reading Day 33-I am all in…
Day 32-Are we missing something…
We all know by now to always wash out hands with soap for 20 seconds. We also know to not touch our face and to protect our nose and mouth with a mask. I keep hearing the same advice over and over but are they leaving another important advice out? I came back from the …
Continue reading Day 32-Are we missing something…
Day 31-Rolling the dice…
The mayor of Las Vegas is clueless and one wonders how did she become the mayor of Sin City. During an interview with Anderson Cooper, he showed her a diagram of how the virus spreads. She replied by saying “this isn’t China, this is Las Vegas Nevada”. Seriously?? She thinks Las Vegas is going to …
Continue reading Day 31-Rolling the dice…
Day 30-What’s in a name…
For most of us, we will never forget this period in history. There will always be reminders. There are parents out there naming their newborns Covid, Corona and even Lockdown. Do these parents really think its a good idea? Do they think its cute? There will be regrets in the future. I feel sorry for …
Continue reading Day 30-What’s in a name…
Day 29-throwing darts…
The NFL Draft is just a couple of days away and thank god because we can finally stop with all these mock drafts. These mock drafts are a total waste of time. Everyone and his brother in the media has their own mock drafts. They all think every single player in the 1st round is …
Continue reading Day 29-throwing darts…
Day 28-Golf between games…
I was watching Michael Jordan’s “The Last Dance” last night and here is one thing that bothers me. In the episode, they followed Jordan playing the Celtics in the 1986 playoffs. I am sure a lot of people out there were scratching their heads on this. Why was Jordan and Danny Ainge playing golf together …
Continue reading Day 28-Golf between games…
Day 27-Not a whale…
Mike Trout is a New Jersey native and his salary for 2020 is $36,000,000 from the Angels. That’s right $36 million. I understand the agent gets a piece of it but it doesn’t change how Trout look in this. A few days ago, he showed his generosity by treating the staff at Inspira Medical Center …
Continue reading Day 27-Not a whale…
Day 26-Humans vs Computer…
The above has 2 headlines that gives us hope. There is 1 headline that we hope is wrong. The middle headline is the one that is based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) analytics that was created by a firm name Clarivate. According to their analytics they are saying it will take at least 5 years for …
Continue reading Day 26-Humans vs Computer…
Day 25-Lost priorities…
Michigan, Minnesota, Kentucky, North Carolina, Utah and Ohio made news today because people were out protesting the stay at home order. I think drastic measures are needed to get the message across to people. I think we should show the inside of hospitals rooms where people are actually dying and suffering. I am confident these …
Continue reading Day 25-Lost priorities…
Day 24-Money is money…
People always find something to complain about. I am starting to think its a part of our DNA. They get something good and find ways to complain about it. Its like when someone finds a $20 dollar bill on the floor and then complains why can’t it be a $100. What do you do with …
Continue reading Day 24-Money is money…
Day 23-Are states serious?
Talks are starting about opening up certain states and lifting restrictions so the economy can start getting back on track. This is going to happen without a reliable treatment and vaccine?? Are we that desperate to get the economy going again that we are willing to risk new major outbreaks. Weren’t we trying to flatten …
Continue reading Day 23-Are states serious?
Day 22-WWE deem “essential business”..
Let’s get away from Fake News and talk about Fake things. WWE statement reads “…WWE and its Superstars bring families together and deliver a sense of hope, determination and perseverance.” I couldn’t help but laugh reading this but apparently a mayor in Florida agree its “essential business”. FLORIDIANS!! YOU WILL HAVE WRESTLING!! Spoiler alert…wrestling is …
Continue reading Day 22-WWE deem “essential business”..
Day 21-We don’t need it…
I keep hearing we need sports to keep us entertain during our quarantine. I call this a bunch of garbage. The bottom line is owners wants to make money. Sportsbooks wants to make money. Athletes wants to make money. Its plain and simple. Don’t lie to us saying they are doing it for the fans. …
Continue reading Day 21-We don’t need it…
Day 20-Something so simple…
I woke up today and had a craving for an ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts. 1 month ago I would have just hop in my car drive 5 minutes down the road and grab myself a medium ice caramel coffee with extra caramel and no sugar and a few jelly donuts. Time has change and …
Continue reading Day 20-Something so simple…
Day 19-Rubbers everywhere…
No, not what you think. Keep that bowling ball out of the gutter and you’ll score more points. The pandemic has created another problem for some cities. People are becoming perpetual litterer. We are talking about USED rubber gloves and face masks that are being thrown everywhere. You see them on the ground in parking …
Continue reading Day 19-Rubbers everywhere…
Day 18 -To wear or not to wear…
Why can’t two big organization get on the same page. The CDC (Center of Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) has different opinions on people wearing masks in public. Which organization is right? The CDC wants everyone in the United States to start wearing masks out in public whether you are infected or not. …
Continue reading Day 18 -To wear or not to wear…
Day 17-You don’t need an island…
I guess the show must go on with the UFC. Apparently, Dana White is looking to buy an island so he can continue to have UFC fights. Maybe he is just joking. Let’s assume he is not and seriously considering it. Did he even think this over? If it’s an empty island he would need …
Continue reading Day 17-You don’t need an island…
Day 16-Boring…
I watched 15 minutes of the NBA 2K Players Tournament and that was 14 minutes too many. I would rather count backwards from 1 million than watch it again. The only thing that would have me kept watching is if they had players in the game arguing with refs on foul calls and getting technicals. …
Continue reading Day 16-Boring…
Day 15-Comeon Lebron..
Lebron did not want to play basketball with no fans in the stands. Here is what he said a few weeks ago: Lebron James speaking: “We play games without the fans? Nah, that’s impossible,” James said. “I ain’t playing if I ain’t got the fans in the crowd. That’s who I play for. I play …
Continue reading Day 15-Comeon Lebron..
Day 14-They can see us if they want…
Every US states are pretty much in a stay at home order or shelter in place. There are those of us still running around and defying orders. The question I have is does the government know if people are really listening and how different states are doing? I think the government should use 2 methods …
Continue reading Day 14-They can see us if they want…
Day 13-Your fans need you…
There are 30 NBA teams, 30 MLB teams, 32 NFL teams and 31 NHL teams. All together there are 123 teams in the big 4 of American sports. Here is an idea…how about creating a Professional Sports Fund to help fight the virus. Here is my proposal. The top 2 players (not even the whole …
Continue reading Day 13-Your fans need you…