Chase Young got a signing bonus of $22.69 million dollars. He got that money immediately after signing his contract in July 2020 and he decides to buy his parents new cars in March 2021? Why not buy them the cars sooner?? Maybe he was waiting to pay off his student loans first but I doubt …
Continue reading Chase Young buys parents new car…
Day 250-Who is in line first…
Who are we kidding here? We all know who is going to get the vaccine first…It’s the rich and famous. Professional athletes, politicians, movie stars and billionaires are the one that will have easy access to the vaccine. I am going to try to sneak a $20 in an envelope to my doctor to see …
Continue reading Day 250-Who is in line first…
Day 242-So that’s what it means…
All these years I thought the “G” on the Green Bay Packers was the initial for “Packers”….well, all these years I was wrong…The “G” on the helmet actually stood for “Greatness”.
Day 219-Ticket for one please…
At my local theater, there are no more than 6 people watching a new movie at an 8pm showing.. but at the mall its jam packed with thousands of people. Are you telling me its more dangerous to watch a movie but safer at the mall with thousands of people RARELY social distancing????
Day 216-Biden’s 62% tax…
Here is a simple formula to create jobs…more business=more jobs. This 62% tax for anyone making over 400,000 is plain ridiculous. If my business make $1 million in profit. Are you telling me I am going to pay $620,000 to taxes??!!! That is not a very good plan to encourage people to start businesses and …
Continue reading Day 216-Biden’s 62% tax…
Day 214-Prison league…
In 2008, Michael Vick’s prison intramural football team went 3–5….He apparently played QB for both sides. I bet tight end was not a popular position.
Day 212-You can blame him…
Kids love cotton candy and guess who invented it? That’s right….a dentist. Evil genius.
Day 210-Always wear black…
MLB umpires are not allow to wear blue, red, green or any other color underwear when they are calling a game behind home plate. They have to wear black underwear only. Umpires are already wearing black pants so if they split from all the bending we can’t tell because the underwear is also black. I …
Continue reading Day 210-Always wear black…
Day 208-Hold it…
Did you know that a wood frog can hold its pee for up to 8 months?? It would be great if humans are like wood frogs. Kids would never complain about using the bathroom on long road trips. Kid: “Dad, I need to use the bathroom”….Dad: “you just use the bathroom 5 months ago!! you …
Continue reading Day 208-Hold it…
Day 206-Did you know…
Mountain Dew is not exactly 100% bad for you. Most people don’t realize that it is made with concentrated orange juice. Next time, I just scramble some eggs and pour myself a nice glass of Mountain Dew and I will have a complete breakfast.
Day 204-I eat well…
People are envy whenever I tell them I eat lobster 3-4 days a week. They think I have it good.. Everything came crashing down when I realize that the lobster sauce I get at the Chinese place have no lobster at all in them. I thought those little pieces of meat were lobster meat but …
Continue reading Day 204-I eat well…
Day 202-Safety…
So we are all waiting for a Covid-19 vaccine that is deem safe…what is consider safe? I keep seeing all these ads on TV for this and that drug and all of them has disclaimer of serious side including death!! Wait a minute, if the FDA approve all these drugs that has a serious side …
Continue reading Day 202-Safety…
Day 200-We all can be superheroes…
We all want to be superheroes and it might just happen…All we need is for the CDC to comes out with a report that a cape can protect people from Covid-19. With a mask and cape, we all can then become superheroes.
Day 199-Trillions will be saved…
This Halloween the country will save trillions of dollars. Everyone is already wearing masks so there is no need to go buy a mask for trick or treating.
Day 88-no infections…
GREAT GREAT NEWS TODAY!! There was 0 infection in this classroom.
Day 87-We have a vaccine…
Hooray!! The first vaccine is here!! The bad news…it belongs to Russia. The very very bad news..when we look back 100 years from today…this is how it all began. I am talking about the zombie apocalypse. Russia will be ground zero and the last time I checked, Russia is part of Europe and Asia. There …
Continue reading Day 87-We have a vaccine…
Day 86-some helpful advice…
righty tighty, lefty loosy that is how I remind myself when I am not sure. There are people dying out there because they are drinking sanitizers. I get sometimes its confusing when I am looking at a bottle of sanitizer and have to make a decision on whether I should drink it or put it …
Continue reading Day 86-some helpful advice…
Day 85-We are back..
The government, CDC, NIH, ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL has conducted research and said it is safe to go back to writing blogs. However, I still need to follow safety protocols. I am writing this blog with my face mask on just in case I sneeze. I would not want to transmit the virus to my …
Continue reading Day 85-We are back..
Day 84-Lockdown
Due to the spike in the Coronavirus. All post will be shutdown for the time being.
Day 83-take a break…
When are these protests going to stop? Can we put the protest on pause until we have a vaccine for the virus? Protest and the coronavirus does not mix well. Like water and oil. Can we think of the big picture and try to limit death from the virus? Or is the Black Lives Matter …
Continue reading Day 83-take a break…
Day 82-why ask stupid questions…
The media keeps reporting that states all over the US has seen a rise in Coronavirus and kept bringing in experts to tell us why. Are they that clueless? They don’t need to bring in experts. I can tell them why. The answer is there but the media refuse to acknowledge it. They need to …
Continue reading Day 82-why ask stupid questions…
Day 81-second round…
It looks like we may be getting a second round of checks!!! I don’t know what the government is waiting for. Trump wants to do it so what’s the holdup? Who cares if we are trillions or whatever the number is in debt. $1200 may not be enough for some but for some $1200 can …
Continue reading Day 81-second round…
Day 80-great speech
Just finished listening to the Trump rally in Oklahoma. Whether or not you like the guy, you have to give him credit for keeping your attention. He is unintentional/intentionally funny and have a way with words. It is the most entertaining hour of entertainment in a while. The stories that he told was absolutely hilarious …
Continue reading Day 80-great speech
Day 79-A nice big juicy…
Today I had a craving for a nice big juicy Porterhouse steak from Texas Roadhouse. There is no dine in but I can do takeout but its not the same. Nothing beats a steak right off the grill while its still hot. You do takeout the steak is in a to go box and there …
Continue reading Day 79-A nice big juicy…
Day 78-2 tickets please…
AMC today announce that they will reopen their theaters nationwide in July. This is great news for me cause I love movies. They also announce new cleaning protocols and social distancing inside the theaters. One surprising thing is that face mask is not required? However, you can buy masks inside the theater if you want …
Continue reading Day 78-2 tickets please…
Day 77-There are good…
We all know there are good people and bad people in everything. A little gesture sometimes can go a long way. I was buying coffee this morning. As I was walking to my car, I notice a police officer getting out of his car. He was probably going to get some coffee himself. I saw …
Continue reading Day 77-There are good…
Day 76-Burger and fries…
Hey! my burger and fries smells like its burnt! Please turn around and look at the building. The whole building is burning! People should think before they burn things down. Why burn down the Wendy’s? If the Wendy’s was still standing, protesters could have order a combo meal while protesting. Who wants to protest on …
Continue reading Day 76-Burger and fries…
Day 75-Autonomous zone…
My right headlights went out so I need some new lightbulbs. I went to Auto Zone but I made sure I was stepping into an Auto Zone and not into an “Autonomous Zone” like the one in Seattle. Seattle’s autonomous zone may look like it works but in the long run it is going to …
Continue reading Day 75-Autonomous zone…
Day 74-Playing frogger…
I was driving by the mall and low and behold I see a bunch of cars in the parking lot. I see people walking out of the main entrance which means the mall is open. Being a curious cat, I decided to go in and check out the scene. It was not pack like a …
Continue reading Day 74-Playing frogger…
Day 73-Nothing to see today…
Athletes were ready to take to social media to express their outrage over another incident of police brutality in Atlanta involving more than 6 officers tazing a black college student. White police officers once again are using excessive force on African Americans. The community want swift justice and is ready for more protest and change …
Continue reading Day 73-Nothing to see today…