One small step for man…One giant leap for dining in without social distancing at your favorite restaurants. Gilead’s Remdesivir may be the drug that is going to be the “game changer” that we are all waiting for. It’s trial in April showed promising results. The trial involved more than 1000 patients. I am not a doctor but played one on TV. I also stayed at a Holiday Inn a few years ago so I know a thing or two. To start a trial with 1000 patients and getting promising results is a HUGE success. Its a GIGANTIC first step. If this trial involve 100 patients then we can temper our enthusiasm but 1000 patients is a good size phase 1 trial. There are still going to be so-called “experts” that will go on TV tomorrow and “CAUTION” everyone that a treatment or vaccine is unlikely for at least a few years. These guys just love to bring everyone down and I think they enjoy doing that. Everyone of these “experts” are soooooo afraid to say anything without using the word “CAUTION”. Why? Because if they use the word “CAUTION”, they can say “See, I told you, I am a genius” . It is like a backup plan to show they know what they are talking about. Most of these guys doesn’t even know what is the composition of Remdesivir. Let’s all get through May and look forward to more great news in April!!