Talk about being one step ahead. The Oxford Vaccine Group in India started human trials on a potential vaccine the hAdOx1 nCoV-19. 1100 people will be a part of this trial and will completed by September. I am taking out my wallet, pulling out a crumble twenty and putting my money on this vaccine. So what’s the big deal you ask since a majority of candidates for a vaccine has started trials? They are manufacturing 4-5 million doses of this potential vaccine every month without knowing if it will work. If the vaccine prove to be not effective after the trial then they can kiss a lot of money goodbye. Most companies would not take this capital risk, they would only mass manufacture if the vaccine is proven to be effective. I applaud the Oxford Vaccine Group for taking this risk. They have to have some degree of confidence with this vaccine or else they wouldn’t be doing this. Its a great move if it turns out the vaccine works down the line. They can flood the market immediately with the vaccine because they don’t have to start manufacturing it. They have been manufacturing it months ahead and have millions of doses on hand! Its just a matter of upping the manufacturing at this point. This is a risky business move but one that can crush all competition if it works out. One rule of making money in business is being the first. Everyone will just be fighting for the leftovers.