Day 25-Lost priorities…

Michigan, Minnesota, Kentucky, North Carolina, Utah and Ohio made news today because people were out protesting the stay at home order. I think drastic measures are needed to get the message across to people. I think we should show the inside of hospitals rooms where people are actually dying and suffering. I am confident these images will stick with people and we can now take this quarantine seriously. This will wake up groups of people that are still not convince of how serious and dire of a situation the country is in. I see these protesters on TV standing next to each other with no masks on. I would not be a bit surprise that there might be 500 new cases come tomorrow between these states. People need to think a few steps ahead. Yes, the economy is going down the toilet. Yes, people have lost their jobs. Yes, people are going through financial struggles.. The most important thing a person should focus on during these trying times are to stay healthy, stay alive and endure. Be patience and ride out the storm and better days will eventually come. Whatever you lost you can always work extra harder to get it back. It can only be done if you have your health.