People always find something to complain about. I am starting to think its a part of our DNA. They get something good and find ways to complain about it. Its like when someone finds a $20 dollar bill on the floor and then complains why can’t it be a $100. What do you do with people like that? The newest complaint with some people have to do with the stimulus check. Not because it might take some time to get it but that Trump’s name will be on it!! Are we serious here? If you are a Democrat, does seeing his name on the check depress or angers you? Are you going to lose sleep over it? Hate him or not, he is still our President. Do something at the next election. People need to get a life. What is the big deal? This is just extra financial assistance. $1200 per adult can actually do a lot for a single adult that lives alone. You can pretend the $1200 is paying your electrical, phone and water bill for at least 3 months. People need to take some responsibility for not saving 3-6 months of emergency funds. I don’t really care if his name is on it or whatever it says on the check. It can say “YOU SUCK” and I will still happily accept it with a smile. The important thing is whether it is legal and can I use it to pay bills or buy things. Here is an idea for people that find it repulsive that his name in on the check. Don’t cash it or cash it and donate the money to charity. I will be standing by the side of the road next Monday with a box. If anyone doesn’t want the check they can sign it over to me and drop it in. At the end, money will almost always win out. These complainers will take the money.