No, not what you think. Keep that bowling ball out of the gutter and you’ll score more points. The pandemic has created another problem for some cities. People are becoming perpetual litterer. We are talking about USED rubber gloves and face masks that are being thrown everywhere. You see them on the ground in parking lots, behind trees, parks, on peoples backyard etc. They are everywhere except in a trash bin. What are people doing? Are people so inconsiderate, irresponsible and lazy? These gloves and masks may be infected with the virus. In addition to social distancing in public, now we have to avoid stepping on land mines of gloves and masks? How about the our drains being clogged up with gloves and face masks. I understand that people don’t want to bring it back into the house or their car but it’s their trash. If they throw it out in public then someone will need to clean up after them. There is already too much stuff going on. We do not need to concern ourselves with another issue sweeping the country. It should be a criminal offense for littering these gloves and masks because there is a chance a kid can pick up one of these up and get infected. This virus is bringing out the ugly side of people.