Why can’t two big organization get on the same page. The CDC (Center of Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) has different opinions on people wearing masks in public. Which organization is right? The CDC wants everyone in the United States to start wearing masks out in public whether you are infected or not. The WHO says that healthy people should not need to wear masks out in public and that masks should be reserve for health care workers, the sick and caretakers. The WHO thinks that the masks does not provide any added protection. Provides no additional protection????? Face mask may not be 100% effective but I am sure it is more effective than having nothing to cover your nose and mouth. I rather have some percentage of protection than zero. Also sometimes we are not aware that we are touching our nose or mouth but with a face mask at least there is a deterrent. Without a mask, what am I suppose to do? Should I hold my breath? Should I wipe my nose and mouth with disinfected wipes? Everyone needs to wear a mask is the right move to slow down the spread. The WHO is supposed to look out for the world but this is definitely one advice that they are wrong on