The rich in this country get rich because consumers like us made it possible by buying their products or services. In times like these we need them to be more generous and open up their money vault. This morning, I read that Amazon is looking to hire 100k more workers for their warehouses because of the surge of online purchases. That’s great and all but where has Jeff Bezos been during the last few weeks?? That’s right, he was probably spending time in his trillion dollar super mansion. Like many of us he probably gets bored with nothing to do at home. He can only swim so many times in his crystal clear 10,000sq ft swimming pool and have a butler standing near the steps of the pool ready with a glass of orange juice and a towel when he gets out. He can only hit so many golf balls outside his own driving range. He can only watch Sonic the Hedgehog so many times in his private 5000ft Imax theater with unlimited popcorn. Sorry, I got carried away for a minute. Getting back to the issue at hand. Jeff Bezos is currently worth 116 billiion dollars!!! Why is he not helping financially?? Maybe donate 10 million? 50 million? to fight this cause. Maybe he should buy up masks through suppliers and donate them to hospitals???. INSTEAD, he wants to hire more workers so he can make more money so he can position himself to buy Mars whenever the planet becomes available to purchase. He doesn’t really care about the workers all packed like sardines in his warehouse. Its asking for more infections. The last time I checked, everyone should be social distancing themselves 6 feet apart NOT 6 inches!!
Well, that is all for today, I better go order more toilet paper on Amazon before its sold out.