People need to stop saying that the seasonal flu killed far more people per year and that this is no big deal. Wake up people!! It is very real now as more and more people are getting infected with each passing days. Hospital beds are filling up by the day and eventually there will be no place to care for the sick. The United States chose to take a reactionary approach instead of a proactive approach to the problem . The most powerful country in the world and we are now at the mercy of a contagious virus. There were warning signs coming out of China and if the important people in this country took it to heart, we would be more prepared to face it head on. Instead, we are now scrambling for facemasks and machines that help you breathe. The economy is dropping like a rock thrown into a body of ocean and it doesn’t take a genius to know where the rock will end up. The only thing going for us is that we have the brightest minds all over the world working tirelessly on a vaccine or treatment. There is no question, it’s just a matter of time the world will find a vaccine. That joyous day will come but until then there is going to be a very very steep price for humanity to pay.
This is the start of the corona chronicles…..