Ok so business open and some people are back to work collecting a paycheck. 2 hair stylists in Missouri (yes again Missouri) got their paychecks. Yay!! The economy is back!! The bad news? They infected 140 clients in the process. 2 paychecks in exchange for 140 people infected? Are those 140 people glad they supported the economy? This is going to be a scenario happening all across America very soon. Everyone was wearing mask in the salon and yet they all got infected. Masks are not going to work if the infected person is breathing next to you for at least 10 minutes. I assume these are super fast haircuts. If you throw in the talking back and fourth..make it at least 20 minutes for a haircut. 6 feet apart is probably the safest measure that one can take. The only time I would have not choice but to be within 6 feet is when I am being treated by someone in the healthcare industry. This is a preview of the second wave. Back to lockdown soon.