There is a trend that is happening because of COVID-19. There are alot of drivers becoming Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Conner on the highway. I drive on the highway 2-3 times a week and often its at least an hour non stop driving. Recently, I notice drivers are purposely tailgating other drivers. So how do I know this? I see a car in the middle lane of a highway doing like 70mph way in front of me. I know its 70mph because I am going at 70mph in the fast lane with nobody behind me and the distance between my car and that person’s car is the same. I then see a car way back race past me in the middle lane and speeds up to the car in front. Instead of just moving over the left lane or right lane to past, this guy decides to tail gate the middle car for over a mile. I see this happen almost every time I am on the highway. I even saw drivers tailgates other drivers in the far right lane which is the slow lane. Really an a$$#&hole move. I have been tailgated a few times myself. It was not because I was driving slow. Driving at 70mph in the middle lane I have been tailgated many times by men, women and even young drivers. They then give you that look over as if you are driving too slow. Speeding is also a problem. At times when I cruise at 75-80, I see a handful of cars just flying by me. Quarantine definitely is making people become hostile drivers. I just wish the state police would start pulling people over for tailgating on an empty road.