Human beings are just attention seekers. This even applies to Dr.Fauci. The godfather of advice on Covid-19 is starting to appear on our television more often. I think he loves the attention and loves talking about the virus. He loves the idea of becoming a celebrity. His 15 minutes of fame is not going to go away until there is a vaccine. The problem I have is his advice seem to change as often as I reach my hands into a bag of potato chips. First, he says masks doesn’t protect you, now everyone should wear a mask. He says a vaccine is in the near future within a year. He then goes on another network and says it could take a few years. Masks were useless now masks are mandatory. I guess if you do so many interviews its hard to get your stories straight. I saw him this afternoon answering questions from Rand Paul and others via video chat. I swear he must have a live in stylist at home to beautiful him up on camera. I see him walking in the same footsteps as Ken Jeong and eventually become an actor. Ken Jeong became Mr. Chow. Anthony Fauci will become Mr.19.