The 3 biggest disappointments thus far in the MLB season has to be the Mets, Padres and Cardinals. The Mets are always a mess and their dumpster fire season all started with its closer Edwin Diaz hurting his knee while celebrating a win in the WBC. Who knew celebrating can get so dangerous. The word …
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Month:June 2023
What if…
Statline: Ohtani strikeouts 10 and hit 2 homers. What if the Angels traded for Shohei Ohtani and team him up with Mike Trout…the Angels would win multiple World Series. What?? They are already on the same team??? This goes to show that it’s not that easy to win even if you have the best 2 …
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You are not the father…
These athletes need to stop with these gender reveal videos. Who really cares if it’s a boy or girl… it’s more interesting to reveal whether he is the real father of the baby.
Not a gambler…
Pete Rose just came out said he bet on the Reds to win the World Series a few months ago. He also had some money on all of tonight’s MLB action. He is also taking the Aces tonight at -14.5 against the Fever in the NBA. He is not familiar with soccer but put in …
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Buying a human being…
Update: Tyreke Hill slapped a 57 year old man upside his head because Hill and his band of free loaders aka posse try to board a boat without permission. Employees claimed Hill said “ I can buy you and your boat”. The employee who Tyreke slapped has changed his mind and will file charges. After …
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One flew over the Hornet’s nest…
The Charlotte Hornets may regret drafting Brandon Miller with the 2nd overall pick in the NBA draft. This guy pretty much got away with accessory or accomplice to murder when his buddy said he is going to shoot someone and told Miller to bring the gun. Karma will come for Miller at some point. Miller …
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If a twig falls in a forest…
Victor Wembamyama can do it all but he is not going to survive in the NBA. A tall skinny guy in the NBA is a problem. The French league is soft and only plays 34 regular season games. While the NBA season is 82 games, more physical and you will get hard foul alot. He …
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Run to the betting window…
The Celtics made a monster move by trading for Porzingis. Porzingis is a great fit alongside Brown and Tatum because unlike other Big 3, he does not need to dominate the ball. Porzingis and Robert Williams on the court at the same time are formidable rim protectors which the Celtics were lacking. Now is the …
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Beat him in a race…
Tyreke Hill is under investigation for “allegedly” slapping an employee on the side of the head. Maybe the employee crossed the line and said he can beat Hill in a race. A grown man slapping another grown man in the face is perhaps the most degrading and humiliating thing one man can do to another …
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The NFL commandments…
The above are NFL rules trying to prevent players from gambling. You can only stop a player from gambling but the players’ families, friends, entourage etc are all betting on these games and you have to be stupid to think 🤔 inside information is not being leaked out. All the players know the spread and …
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Here we go again…
Durant, Irving and Harden was suppose to win multiple championships together but in the end they became a train wreck. It’s time for another train wreck in the West. Beal, Durant and Booker is the newest Big 3. The problem with having a Big 3 is that they take up most of the teams salary …
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Where my hos at…
We all know Zion Williamson loves emptying the fridge but now we also know he loves his hoes. Wouldn’t it be a great time for Williamson to take on a new sponsorship? How about promoting Ho Hos..that yummy chocolate sponge cake with crème fillings. The tag line should be… “Zion loves his Hos and you …
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How much to dry clean?…
Ray Lewis son “accidentally” dies of an overdose. Is this Karma finally coming to collect? In 2000, Ray Lewis attended a party while wearing a beautiful gorgeous white suit. Around 4am, there was a brawl involving Lewis and two men got stabbed multiple times and killed. The victims blood was found in Lewis limo. The …
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25 games…
The NBA suspended Ja Morant 25 games for flashing a gun for the 2nd time. Morant will learn a valuable lesson in that it’s ok to act gangster and flash guns but just don’t do it on social media. Everyone will be counted down the days when this guy will do it the 3rd time. …
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How to steal home..
This is how hard is it to steal home. Isiah Kiner-Falefa managed to go more than half way down the line before the pitcher winds up. It also helps that the Mets 3rd baseman and catcher was not even paying attention to the runner. 3 Mets player was day dreaming for this to happen.
Cute stories but…
The Florida Panthers also went down last night in the Stanley Cup Finals. Both Heat and Panthers lost the series 4-1. All playoffs long we keep hearing about these 8th seed and how “special” they are. In the end, both teams end up playing like an 8th seed. You can run hot but ultimately talent …
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It’s over…
Miami Heat fans can go back to lying on the beach and sipping umbrella drinks. It was a matter of time before guys like Caleb Martin, Max Struss and Gabe Vincent turn back into pumpkins and become who we thought they were…bench players. They went out in a blaze of glory…combine to go 1/14 from …
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His cooking is terrible…
The Rock’s XFL lost $60 million last year. Besides the product being trash, If there is no fantasy attached to it, nobody cares. You only have the degenerate gamblers watching these XFL games. The NFL is huge because of the fantasy football aspect and the gambling. Get ready to see the Rock in more Fast …
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Punch out…
McGregor knocked out the Heat mascot with a punch and while the mascot was on the ground he threw another punch… the mascot was sent to the hospital with a concussion. Did someone forgot to tell him it’s not a real fight? This guy is a grade A punk and thug.
Welcome to Miami..
Game 4 of the Finals and all the empty seats. People in Miami are more concern about getting the perfect bronze tan then watch the Finals.